Tag: xbox 360

Microsoft will end production of the Xbox 360

After 10 years of bringing exciting franchises to its second Xbox console,…

Alberto Saldamando

EA: Titanfall for Xbox 360 has a new release date

Many owners of the Xbox One have been spending hours playing Titanfall.…

Alberto Saldamando

Mark Whitten leaves Xbox after 14 years

Marc Whiten has said good-bye to the company he has work for…

Alberto Saldamando

The Lightning Returns demo gets pulled from Xbox Live

Earlier today, Square Enix had made available the demo of Lightning Returns…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: Adiós, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from PSN/XBLA?! :(

Many fans may already be disappointed by the upcoming absence of Ultimate Marvel…

Alberto Saldamando

Walmart y sus ofertas del Viernes Negro

Para las ofertas de Viernes Negro 2014 en Estados Unidos, visiten: https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/las-grandes-ventas-tecnologicas-para-el-nuevo-viernes-negro-2014-en-walmart/.…

Alberto Saldamando

Walmart and its Black Friday Offers

[EN]: It is just never too early to know what the Black…

Alberto Saldamando