Tag: tech

CBS orders CNET to recast vote, reporter quits | CBS ordena a CNET a volver a votar y reportero renuncia

[EN]: Until last Friday, CNET has had a reputation as one of the…

Alberto Saldamando

LATISM: Cyber Sustainable Dev Project – Patacancha

EN: It has been 25 and a half years since I arrived…

Alberto Saldamando

Guest Post / Entrada Invitada: “La revolución del trabajo 3.0” – Alex Konanykhin / TransparentBusiness.com

La revolución del trabajo 3.0 DESCARGAR INFOGRAFÍA Por Alex Konanykhin | CEO | TransparentBusiness.com…

Alberto Saldamando

EA/Black Box: Need for Speed World to feature Dolby Axon voice chat tech

From/De: EA EA’s Need for Speed World to Feature Dolby Axon Chat…

Alberto Saldamando

Augmented Reality on Your Phone | La realidad aumentada en tu teléfono

Perhaps the next killer application. Why? Because it brings information into your…

Alberto Saldamando

Chavez knows tech? | ¿Chavez sabe de tecnología?

English | Español Not only is the way he did business but…

Alberto Saldamando