Tag: Street Fighter x Tekken

Capcom: “Street Fighter” – Grand Finals

[EN]: 25 years is far too long to ignore a franchise that…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter x Tekken” – 12 new characters | 12 nuevos personajes

[EN]: Capcom sent an email to the press earlier today to announce…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter x Tekken Mobile” [iPhone]

[ES]: Capcom anunció el día de hoy la llegada en este verano…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector’s Set” [PS3/X360]

[EN]: Capcom has just released new information to the gaming press about…

Alberto Saldamando

SFxT producer Yoshinori Ono hospitalized | Hospitalizado el productor de SFxT, Yoshinori Ono

: According to the Capcom Japan's blog, Yoshinori Ono, the producer responsible…

Alberto Saldamando

Thousand Pounds Action: “Street Fighter X Tekken: The Devil Within” – Short Film | Cortometraje

From/De: RivenX3i @ YouTube. The Devil Gene The Satsui no hadou Both hide in…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter X Tekken” – Opening Cinematic – 2012.03.03

Besides the info about the Ms. SFxT promotion and downloadable content info,…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter X Tekken” – Trailers & Screenshots – 2012.02.14

From: Capcom Capcom today shared new information and assets regarding the FINAL…

Alberto Saldamando