Tag: PlayStation 3

Might and Delight: “Pid” [PSN/XBLA/PC] – ‘Co-op Concert’ Trailer

[EN - Press Release]: Kurt's journey becomes much more interesting with a…

Alberto Saldamando

Activision / High Moon: “Transformers: Fall of Cybertron” – Launch Trailer

[EN]: The arrival of the upcoming Transformers game is almost here, but…

Alberto Saldamando

2K Sports: “NBA 2K13” [PS3/PSP/X360/Wii/WiiU/PC] – “Dream Teams” 1992 & 2012

[ES]: ¿Qué "Dream Team" (equipo de ensueño) es el mejor: el de…

Alberto Saldamando

SuperBot: “PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale” – New release date | Nueva fecha de lanzamiento

[EN]: It can happen with even the best of games... a delay.…

Alberto Saldamando

EA / Criterion: “Need for Speed Most Wanted” [PS3/X360] – Teaser Trailer

[EN]: This is just a teaser trailer for the upcoming Need for…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix: “Sleeping Dogs” [PS3/PC/X360] – Launch Trailer

[EN]: It's only a few days away for the August 14 launch…

Alberto Saldamando

Kalypso Media / Enigma Software: “Alien Spidy” [PSN/XBL/PC/Mac] – Trailer

[ES]: Kalypso Media presenta un nuevo acción/aventura de una arañita sin igual. Esta…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Resident Evil 6” – ‘Forest Cemetery’ Campaign & ‘Agent Hunt’ Mode

[EN]: As announced earlier this week, Ada Wong will be a playable…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix: “Sleeping Dogs” – ‘Police Investigations’ Walkthrough

[EN]: From: Square Enix: Sleeping Dogs' Hong Kong triad underbelly is a…

Alberto Saldamando