Tag: PlayStation 3

Sony: “PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale” [PS3] – Nariko, Raiden & Sir Daniel Fortesque – Character Art, Screenshots, Trailers – PAX 2012

[Source/Fuente]: SCEA. [Character Art | Arte de los personajes] [Screenshots | Pantallas…

Alberto Saldamando

Konami: “Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes” – PAX Trailer

[ES]: Hoy en PAX se ha mostrado un avance del próximo juego…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix: “Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn” [PC/PS3] – Trailer, Art Work & Screenshots

[EN]: Square Enix sent this morning to the gaming press a brand-new trailer, art…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix: “Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII” [PS3/X360]

[EN]: A few hours ago, Square Enix finally announced a first for…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Marvel vs Capcom Origins” [PSN/XBLA] – Release Date | Fecha de lanzamiento

[EN]: Capcom has just announced the dates for the arrival of Marvel…

Alberto Saldamando

Konami: “Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes”

[EN]: Konami earlier today in Japan announced not just about the work…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “2nd Super Robot Wars OG” [PS3] – Videos

[EN]: This is one franchise certain anime fans would be happy to…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “Tekken Tag Tournament 2” – Pre-Order Bonuses

[EN]: Namco Bandai distributed a couple of videos about the extra material…

Alberto Saldamando