Tag: PlayStation 3

Gelid Games: “Wheels of Destruction” [PSN] – ‘Assassin’ Trailer

From/De: Gelid Games via Reverb Communications. Get in. Get out. The competition doesn’t…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix/Airtight Games: “Quantum Conondrum” [PSN/XBLA] – ‘Heavy Dimension’ Screenshots

[EN]: Square Enix has released new pics of Quantum Conondrum by Airtight…

Alberto Saldamando

Ubisoft: “Assassin’s Creed 3” – Reveal Trailer – 2012.03.05

[EN]: After some days of leaked pictures about the next sequel in its…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter X Tekken” – Opening Cinematic – 2012.03.03

Besides the info about the Ms. SFxT promotion and downloadable content info,…

Alberto Saldamando

Atlus/Arc System Works: “Persona 4 Arena” [PS3/X360] – Screenshots & Key Art

From: Atlus Summon the Fighter Within: Atlus to Bring Persona 4 Arena,…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch” [PS3] – Trailers – 2012.02.15

Namco Bandai: "Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch" - 'Golden…

Alberto Saldamando