Tag: noticias

Greg Sandoval @ The Verge

[EN]: After Greg Sandoval decided to leave CNET due to "editorial interference" in…

Alberto Saldamando

Greg Sandoval @ The Verge

: [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2013/02/04/greg-sandoval-at-the-verge/].

Alberto Saldamando

Open-Site.org: “Power of the Online People”

[EN]: Where were you when news of the tsunami hit Japan in…

Alberto Saldamando

Jib Jab: Never A Year Like ’09

[gigya width="640" height="480" src="https://aka.zero.jibjab.com/client/zero/ClientZero_EmbedViewer.swf?templateID=203931&service=sendables.jibjab.com&partnerID=JibJab" quality="high" flashvars="templateID=203931&service=sendables.jibjab.com&partnerID=JibJab" wmode="transparent" ] Try JibJab Sendables® eCards…

Alberto Saldamando

TheFullGinsburg – “The Belated Role of TV News”

English | Español So, how do you get most of your local…

Alberto Saldamando

News Corp & Microsoft vs Google – Round 1

English | Español There's no denying Google has the internet's favorite search…

Alberto Saldamando

Ashton: Victory is ours | La victoria es de nosotros

The unthinkable has just happened. Ashton got a million followers before CNN…

Alberto Saldamando

EA & CNN & Ashton Kutcher & Twitter?!?!?! – Part 5

After last night's Ashton video uploaded into YouTube [Update from Ashton Kutcher…

Alberto Saldamando

EA & CNN & Ashton Kutcher & Twitter?!?!?! – Part 4

Things are starting to change and perhaps for a great cause. Ted…

Alberto Saldamando