Tag: navegador

Square Enix: “CoreOnline” – ‘High Definition Games in Your Browser’

Info: [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/square-enix-coreonline-high-definition-games-in-your-browser-juegos-de-alta-definicion-en-tu-navegador/].

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix: “Crystal Conquest” [Online] – First Trailer

: Square Enix takes elements of the kind of genre it does…

Alberto Saldamando

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 – Now available | Ahora disponible

From/De: Mozilla Mozilla Delivers Firefox 3.6 to Millions of Users Posted byMelissa…

Alberto Saldamando

Sony: PlayStation 3 Firmware (v3.10) Update Preview – PlayStation.Blog

Source: PlayStation.Blog - PlayStation 3 Firmware (v3.10) Update Preview [https://blog.us.playstation.com/2009/11/playstation3-firmware-v3-10-update/].

Alberto Saldamando

EA/Bioware: Dragon Age Journeys [Online]

From/De: EA BioWare Announces Dragon Age Journeys New Browser-Based Game Now Available…

Alberto Saldamando

Google Chrome: Artist Themes | Temas artísticos

From/De: Google Fast, Simple and Now Stylish: Google Chrome with Artist Themes…

Alberto Saldamando

Nintendo updates Internet Channel and Flash | Nintendo actualiza el Canal Internet y Flash

English | Español Nintendo is not only giving away its Internet Channel…

Alberto Saldamando

Augmented Reality on Your Phone | La realidad aumentada en tu teléfono

Perhaps the next killer application. Why? Because it brings information into your…

Alberto Saldamando

Firefox 3.5: New browser stats | Nuevas estadísticas del navegador

English | Español It only took a day for Firefox 3.5 to…

Alberto Saldamando