Tag: japanese

“Nintendo Video” – Japanese Trailer

Source/Fuente: NintenDaanNC @ YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/user/NintenDaanNC].

Alberto Saldamando

Orlando Japan Festival 2010 – 2010.11.07

Orlando Japan Festival (Part 1) Orlando Japan Festival (Part 2) 太鼓 -…

Alberto Saldamando

Yuu Asakawa at Official Guest of Honor at Anime Expo 2010 | Yuu Asakawa como invitada de honor oficial en Anime Expo 2010

From/De: Anime Expo Japanese Voice Actress, YUU ASAKAWA, Will Attend Anime Expo®…

Alberto Saldamando

SpeedBrkr: “Ibuki, Dudley & Makoto Ultra Combo I & II Compilation Video With Japanese Voices”

Source/Fuente: SpeedBrkr @ YouTube - Ibuki, Dudley & Makoto Ultra Combo I…

Alberto Saldamando

Nobuo Uematsu @ Anime Boston

It's not that often that one of the greatest music composers stops by…

Alberto Saldamando

Tarantino as samurai talking to a “dog” in Japanese | Tarantino como samurai hablando con un “perro” en japonés

Source/Fuente: Tarantino's cheerily crazy Japanese cell phone ad [https://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-10410114-71.html?tag=newsLatestHeadlinesArea.0].

Alberto Saldamando

WT*?! Obama, Putin & Benedict XVI?! @ “The President is my childhood friend”

English | Español I thought the people who created Katamari Damashi were…

Alberto Saldamando

FF XIII: Announcements | Anuncios

English | Español During a recent press conference (where a new trailer…

Alberto Saldamando

How old is Crimson Viper? | ¿Cuántos años tiene Crimson Viper?

Two things happened at Capcom yesterday. First, the company celebrated the first…

Alberto Saldamando

“La Maison en Petits Cubes” | Best Animated Short Film

[EN]:Before tonight's Oscar ceremony, Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away had been the only…

Alberto Saldamando