Tag: Goku

Namco Bandai: “J-Stars Victory Vs.” [PS3/PSV] – 2nd Trailer

[EN]: When putting fighters from the anime dimension in a fighting game…

Alberto Saldamando

Cañada de la Cumbia & Los Weyes Que Tocan: “La Cumbia de Gokú”

[EN]: If you are DBZ fans, you may already be familiar with…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “J-Stars Victory Vs” [PS3] – First Trailer

[EN]: Namco Bandai released the first trailer of the upcoming J-Stars Victory…

Alberto Saldamando

“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” – 2nd Ad

[EN]: As the premiere of the upcoming DBZ film in Japan approaches,…

Alberto Saldamando

“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods” – Trailer & TV Commercial

[EN]: With the arrival of the upcoming DBZ film, one more trailer…

Alberto Saldamando

ScrewAttack’s Death Battle: “Goku vs Superman” – Fight!!!

[EN]: The fight many people have been waiting for is now on.…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3” – NY Comic-Con 2012 Trailer w/ Goku DLC & Screenshots

[EN]: Goku is still one of the most well-known anime characters. Without…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission” [3DS]

Info: [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/namco-bandai-dragon-ball-heroes-ultimate-mission-3ds].

Alberto Saldamando