Tag: Goku

Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama dies

The official Dragon Ball website and social media accounts announced today the…

Alberto Saldamando

DBZ Kakarot Japanese commercial brings nostalgic moments in all of us fans

A recent DBZ Kakarot Japanese TV commercial brings nostalgic moments in all…

Alberto Saldamando

Arc System Works is developing Dragon Ball Fighters

Bandai Namco announced via its web site earlier today that Arc System…

Alberto Saldamando

Goku shows his fighting talent in a Street Fighter 2 fan-made video

The 80s brought us two sensational franchises, Dragon Ball Z and Street…

Alberto Saldamando

May 9 becomes Goku Day in Japan

The Japan Anniversary Association has accepted the request by film studio Toei…

Alberto Saldamando

Dragon Ball Z sneakers available, but only in Mexico

DBZ fans in the US and other countries may want to pay…

Alberto Saldamando

Superman vs Goku: “Epic Rap Battle” Edition

DBZ fans were disappointed when ScrewAttack.com chose The Man of Steel over…

Alberto Saldamando

Dad makes DBZ fan-made animation for his son’s birthday

With over half a million views, this DBZ video is a must-see. Robson…

Alberto Saldamando