Tag: en línea

OnLive: No more monthly fee | No más cuota mensual

OnLive is a cool gaming service. Though its library is still small…

Alberto Saldamando

EA/Maxis: Spore Islands [Facebook]

From/De: EA/Maxis Spore Franchise Launches First Game on Facebook Platform Spore Islands…

Alberto Saldamando

The Sims 3: A second town & online features | Un segundo pueblo y funciones en línea

From/De: EA EA Reveals The Sims 3 Full Online Feature Set Second…

Alberto Saldamando

Unchated 2: Online Multiplayer modes | Modos multijugador en línea

From/De: Sony Computer Entertainment America PLAYSTATION(R)3 Computer Entertainment System Exclusive UNCHARTED 2:…

Alberto Saldamando

Chinesegum.com: Launches Social Network for Female Gamers & Game Developers | Lanza red social para jugadoras y desarrolladores de juegos

From/De: PRWeb Fun Games Portal Chinesegum.com Launches Social Network for Female Gamers…

Alberto Saldamando

Rumble Fighter: ‘Under Construction’

From time to time, I like to put aside the console games…

Alberto Saldamando

Epic Games @ Co-Optimus.com

Join Epic Games developers and Co-Optimus.com for Gears of War 2 Xbox…

Alberto Saldamando

NinjaTrick: A new game on Facebook | Un nuevo juego en Facebook

"NinjaTrick" – a Free-to-play, browser based action game for Facebook Platform –…

Alberto Saldamando

EmpireofSports.com: MMO Prologue

From/De: EmpireofSports.com. EMPIRE OF SPORTS: MMO PROLOGUE UNVEILED Empire Of Sports Opens…

Alberto Saldamando