Tag: Dice

EA: Battlefield 1943 [XBL/PSN]

From/De: EA The Battle for the Pacific Has Begun, EA's Battlefield 1943…

Alberto Saldamando

EA/DICE: Battlefield 1943 [XBL/PSN]

From/De: EA Fight on Land, Sea or Air in Battlefield 1943 on…

Alberto Saldamando

EA games @ E3 | Juegos de EA @ E3

From/De: EA EA Spotlights Blockbuster Titles at E3 E3 Titles Showcase Quality,…

Alberto Saldamando

EA/DICE: Battlefield 1943 @ $15 [PSN/XBL/PC]

From/De: DICE & EA DICE Announces $15 Price for Battlefield 1943 Premium…

Alberto Saldamando

EA/Dice: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

DICE Announces Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Before Rejoining the ‘B’ Company, Players…

Alberto Saldamando

PC: Mirror’s Edge

From/De: EA Mirror’s Edge for PC Ships to Retail Stores Today Award-Winning…

Alberto Saldamando

Mirror’s Edge: Downloadable Content | Contenido descargable | Trailer

From/De: EA DICE Are you the fastest Runner around? Now is your…

Alberto Saldamando

Mirror’s Edge: All-New Downloadable Time Trial Map Pack

DICE Announces All-New Downloadable Time Trial Map Pack for Mirror’s Edge Award-Winning…

Alberto Saldamando