Tag: deportes

My trip to the Nike Soccer Summit 2012

[EN]: The following post is a personal and game-related perspective of my…

Alberto Saldamando

EA Sports: “FIFA Soccer 13” & “Madden NFL 13” [WiiU]

Info: EA Sports: "FIFA Soccer 13" & "Madden NFL 13" [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/08/02/ea-sports-fifa…en-nfl-13-wiiu/].

Alberto Saldamando

EA Sports: “FIFA Soccer 13” & “Madden NFL 13” [WiiU]

[ES]: Dos nuevos juegos de EA Sports han sido mencionados para su…

Alberto Saldamando

Nintendo brings sports to the 3DS | Nintendo trae deportes al 3DS

: Starting Saturday morning, Nintendo will offer 3DS owners the latest on basketball, baseball and football. Via the Nintendo Zone…

Alberto Saldamando

VGA 2011: The winners | Los ganadores

While not even can agree on which game deserved the Game of…

Alberto Saldamando

EA: “Grand Slam Tennis 2” [PS3/X360] – Announcement & Trailer

EA Sports anunció el día de hoy la siguiente secuela de su…

Alberto Saldamando

EA: “EA Sports NHL 12” – Steven Stamkos – Cover Athlete | Atleta de portada

From/De: EA Sports Steven Stamkos the New Face of EA SPORTS NHL…

Alberto Saldamando

EA Sports: “NHL 12” – New Features | Nuevas funciones

From/De: EA Sports EA SPORTS Unveils New Features for NHL 12 Award-winning…

Alberto Saldamando