Tag: capcom

Kung-Fu Election: Fight!!!

Characters / Personajes: Barack Obama Weapon: Samurai Sword Special Attack: Doves Joe…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: Developer Interview

Capcom does cool things, even on the Investor Relations page of its…

Alberto Saldamando

Resident Evil 5 : Pictures | Imágenes

From: Capcom Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil…

Alberto Saldamando

Age of Booty – Capcom – XBLA (Oct. 15) & PSN (Oct. 16)

From/De: Capcom Ahoy thar, matey! Secure your eye-patch and twist on those…

Alberto Saldamando

Street Fighter 4: Sheng Long?!?!?!

The April Fool's joke written on EGM back in the early 1990…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom Universe Character Battle

Capcom has created a lot of heroes and heroines and villains in…

Alberto Saldamando

Phoenix Wright – The Truth Comes Back to Life

In English | En español In Japan, many games get to have…

Alberto Saldamando

What would you use a bionic arm for? | ¿Para qué usaría un brazo biónico?

In English | En español If you've been playing Bionic Commando: Rearmed,…

Alberto Saldamando