Tag: Call of Duty Endowment

Call of Duty Endowment: The Honest Truth about young veterans

In the news, the unemployment rate that young veterans face is not…

Alberto Saldamando

Activision: “Call of Duty: Black Ops” Launch Event – Video

From/De: Activision Call of Duty®: Black Ops Launch Event Honors U.S. Armed…

Alberto Saldamando

Activision: Metallica @ “Call of Duty: Black Ops” launch event

From/De: Activision Metallica to Headline Call of Duty(R): Black Ops Launch Event…

Alberto Saldamando

CODE delivers Modern Warfare 2 to the US Navy | CODE ofrece Modern Warfare 2 a la US Navy

From/De: Activision Call of Duty Endowment Delivers Over $180,000 Worth of Modern…

Alberto Saldamando

Activision helps disabled veterans | Activision ayuda a los veteranos discapacitados

From/De: Activision Call of Duty Endowment Created to Help Veterans Combat Unemployment…

Alberto Saldamando