Tag: blog

Namco Bandai Games EU: “Enslaved” – Dev Blog 6 – A New Perspective

From/De: NBGEU As an introduction to the upcoming DLC of Enslaved 'Pigsy's…

Alberto Saldamando

How old is Crimson Viper? | ¿Cuántos años tiene Crimson Viper?

Two things happened at Capcom yesterday. First, the company celebrated the first…

Alberto Saldamando

Orlando PlayStation.Blog Meetup @ FIEA

In English | En español If you live in Orlando, FL, and…

Alberto Saldamando

What would you use a bionic arm for? | ¿Para qué usaría un brazo biónico?

In English | En español If you've been playing Bionic Commando: Rearmed,…

Alberto Saldamando