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AT&T Latin America Talk & Text: A new calling plan to Latin America | Un nuevo plan de llamadas a América Latina

[EN]: AT&T announced earlier today a new international long-distance calling plan specifically for the US Latino market. The phone company…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

AT&T Latin America Talk & Text: A new calling plan to Latin America | Un nuevo plan de llamadas a América Latina

[EN]: AT&T announced earlier today a new international long-distance calling plan specifically for the US Latino market. The phone company…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

PC Gamer: Large Pixel Collider – A very powerful gaming PC | Una computadora para juegos muy potente

[EN]: Hardcore PC gamers know the ins and outs of desktop computers. If money weren't an issue, many hardcore gamers…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Walmart y sus ofertas del Viernes Negro

Para las ofertas de Viernes Negro 2014 en Estados Unidos, visiten: http://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/las-grandes-ventas-tecnologicas-para-el-nuevo-viernes-negro-2014-en-walmart/. [Actualización]: He aquí las ofertas de Nintendo para…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Walmart and its Black Friday Offers

[EN]: It is just never too early to know what the Black Friday offers will be. As stores get to…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Nike+ FuelBand SE: Available tomorrow | Disponible mañana

[EN]: I've just downloaded the app though I wish I had the product as well. Yeah, the Nike+ FuelBand SE,…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Nike+ FuelBand SE: Available tomorrow | Disponible mañana

[EN]: I've just downloaded the app though I wish I had the product as well. Yeah, the Nike+ FuelBand SE,…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando