Prime Video is set to release a thrilling new live-action series titled “Like a Dragon: Yakuza,” an adaptation of the hit SEGA game franchise. Directed by Masaharu Take, the series stars Ryoma Takeuchi as the iconic character Kazuma Kiryu. The six-part crime-suspense-action series will be available in two batches, with the first three episodes premiering on October 25 and the remaining on November 1, 2024.
The show’s plot unfolds across two decades, 1995 and 2005, tracing the journey, close companions from youth, and the impact of choices made by a formidable and unmatched Yakuza fighter known for his deep commitment to fairness, responsibility, and compassion.
The show is written by Sean Crouch and Nakamura Yugo, with additional writing by Yoshida Yasuhiro and Yamada Kana. “Like a Dragon: Yakuza” will be available with subtitles and voiceovers in 30 different languages.
[Source]: Amazon: Prime Video to Premiere Like a Dragon: Yakuza, an Amazon Original Crime-Action Series Adapted from the Popular Japanese Game Franchise; Streaming Worldwide from October 25 – [Archive] – [Screenshot].