SNK announced Antonov returns to The King of Fighters XV, joining Ramón and King of Dinosaurs in Team G.A.W. (Galaxy Anthon Wrestling).
After his first appearance in The King of Fighters XIV, the ex-millionaire and wrestler from Russia wants “to reclaim his rightful title as the first champion of KOF.”
In the upcoming sequel, Antonov will use special moves such as the Vertical Macho and Strong Whale Stream to defeat all his opponents.
According to KOF XV lead designer Tomohiro Nakata, Antonov will “target combos that connect close-proximity strong kicks to far-proximity strong punches and kicks can now be cancelled into special moves.”
Antonov has become a more versatile fighter thanks to improvements to his powerful attacks and special moves.
“His unique and dynamic new CLIMAX is also very fun to use, so go ahead and flex on your foes!,” adds Nakata.
[Source]: SNK: ANTONOV’ reveal seals the deal in KOF XV! TEAM G.A.W. (GALAXY ANTON WRESTLING) is comprised of ANTONOV, RAMÓN, and KING OF DINOSAURS! – [Archive]. 新作格闘ゲーム『THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV』、「アントノフ」のキャラクタートレーラーを公開!「アントノフ」「ラモン」「キング・オブ・ダイナソー」が【G.A.W. チーム】を結成! – [Archive]. @SNK.KOFWORLD (Facebook): 【KOF XV】 Here comes a special sketch and some comments about ANTONOV from KOF XV lead designer, Tomohiro Nakata!.