Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games revealed the arrival of Shiva for the upcoming Streets of Rage 4’s Mr. X Nightmare DLC.
In Streets of Rage 2, Shiva was Mr. X’s personal bodyguard and one of the main bosses. Meanwhile, in Streets of Rage 3, he is a secret playable character. Shiva, who has attacks similar in style to Axel’s, also appears as the Stage 6 boss in SOR4.
As the only playable character who doesn’t carry weapons, he is known as the “Living Weapon.” In the trailer, he makes a reference: “I don’t need weapons. I am the weapon.”
The Kempo master will soon join Max Thunder and Estel Aguirre. The DLC will be released this year.
Streets of Rage 4 is already available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PCs.

[Sources]: Streets of Rage 4 (Steam): Streets of Rage 4 – Mr. X Nightmare DLC – Shiva is the final weapon. @Dotemu (Twitter): He is the only weapon you need.