SNK Playmore recently introduced Chizuru Kagura and Kyo Kusanagi as the newest fighters in The King of Fighters XV.
Both combatants join Iori Yagami as members of Team Sacred Treasures.
According to the press releases, Chizuru Kagura is a successor of the Yata clan, “one of three powerful clans entrusted with the Sacred Treasures capable of sealing away ‘Gaia’s Will’, otherwise known as Orochi.”
She is able to persuade Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami to join her in the upcoming KOF tournament. Her goal: find out who are the forces behind “the appearance of the being known as Verse and the weakening of the seal on Orochi.”
Kyo Kusanagi is the successor of the Kusanagi Style of Ancient Martial Arts as well as the heir of the Kusanagi clan. He has no choice but to join his biggest rival Iori Yagami “to hopefully prevent Orochi from resurrecting.”
Chizuru Kagura is voiced by Sayaka Ohara, while Kyo Kusanagi is voiced by Tomaki Maeno.
More characters will be announced soon. Stay tuned.
[King of Fighters XV – Chizuru Kagura & Kyo Kusanagi]:

[Sources]: SNK Playmore: KOF XV character trailer for CHIZURU KAGURA has everyone seeing double!. PR Times (Japan): 新作対戦格闘ゲーム『THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV』、「神楽ちづる」のキャラクタートレーラーを公開!さらに「神楽ちづる」「草薙 京」「八神 庵」が【三種の神器チーム】を結成!.