Microsoft recently released the Xbox Family Settings app on iOS and Android for parents to administer their children’s gaming time.
Four main features are included in the app to assist parents:
- Manage children’s screen time limits: Choose how much playtime is correct, for example, limiting play to 1 hour during the school week.
Manage content filter: Specify your child’s age to ensure that a child 8 years old can only access games classified as E (for everyone / suitable for all ages).
Play and communication settings: Allows you to choose the option to block all access to games and communications with other players, limit access to “friends only,” or grant permission for older children to play and communicate with “everyone.”
Administer friends’ list: Parents can approve or decline friend requests your child has made to add friends to his/her friends list, as well as to have access to view the full list of friends.
See activity report: View daily or weekly activity reports for each child to see what their time is on on Xbox.
Kids, of course, can request for additional time to play games or do other things with Xbox consoles.
Though Microsoft has been offering these features, the app comes with an easy-to-use user interface. A preview version of the app was previously available.
Microsoft has been offering family settings since 2018.
The XFS app works with Xbox One consoles and soon with Xbox Series X/S consoles.
Check out all the images and video (with subtitles in Spanish).

How the Xbox Family Settings App Works (with subtitles in Spanish)
[Source]: Xbox: Xbox Family Settings App Available Now on iOS and Android to Help Manage Children’s Gaming. La aplicación de Configuración familiar de Xbox que te ayudará a administrar la experiencia de juego de tus hijos. ¡Ya disponible para iOS y Android!.