Perhaps the biggest bundle in video game history,’s Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality now includes more than 1400 games, almost twice as many since launch on June 5th.
As a digital platform for independent developers, has made its voice heard by allowing indie developers support the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Community Bail Fund.
Unlike most well-known game developers that have shown their support for Black Lives Matter with donations ranging from $100,000 to $250,000+, the community of indie developers at has surpassed its original goal of $100,000. So far, and indie developers have raised $3.5 million, with a new goal of $5 million.
Early buyers will have access to the increasing library of games under this bundle.
Perhaps the only company with a similar goal in mind is Niantic, the Pokémon Go developer that has committed a minimum of $5 million, among other goals to benefit the Black community. Niantic’s big donation will go with one half for Black AR and game developers and the other half for non-profit organizations.
If you want to get the bundle with a minimum donation of $5, go to:
[Source]: Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality; Join the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality.