This year’s TGS, which was scheduled for Sep. 24-27, “is now planned to take place online,” according to a press release.
The main reason for the cancellation: to prevent the spread of covid-19. “Due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on a global scale and the situation [that] remains unpredictable in Japan as well, the organizer and the co-organizers have reached this decision after a long consideration to place the utmost priority on the health and safety of visitors, exhibitors and stakeholders. We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.”
The organizers at TGS will share more information on its web site, including more press releases starting in late May.
Meanwhile in France, the organizers at the Paris Games Week announced on the web site they’ve decided to cancel what would have been the 10th year anniversary of the event. “The current context and the necessary anticipation of both the technical and logistical complexities of an event such as Paris Games Week have led us to cancel this edition.” They are already working on next year’s event.
[Sources]: Tokyo Game Show: Home Page (JP) – [Archive]. 「東京ゲームショウ2020」 は新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため幕張メッセでの開催を中止しオンライン開催を検討 – [Archive]. Home Page (English) – [Archive]. 【Announcement from TGS Management Office】 Important TGS2020 Update (May 8, 2020) – TOKYO GAME SHOW 2020 Cancelled – [Archive]. Paris Games Week: Home Page (FR) – [Archive]. Annulation de la PGW 2020 – [Archive]. Home Page (EN) – [Archive].