Earlier today, game developer Deep Silver announced the arrival of Saints Row: The Third Remastered coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC via Epic Games Store on May 22.
This specific game is making a return nine years after its original release with the team at Spearsoft in charge of the remaster.
As soon as the trailer starts, players can notice the graphical differences between the original and the remaster versions.
The full package, which includes all 30+ DLCs, is in the game so there shouldn’t be anything to download.
Among the features in the remastered version: enhanced graphics, improved lighting, reworked environments, and visual effects. “Steelport and The Third Street Saints have never looked so good.”
If you are not familiar with the franchise, Saints Row is an open-world action-adventure game series which made its debut in 2006 and was created by game developer Volition (owned by Deep Silver since January 2013).
[Source]: Deep Silver: Be More Saints! Saints Row: The Third Remastered Announced for May 22nd.