The English and Spanish dubs of the Ni No Kuni anime film are coming to Netflix on January 16.
The film, originally released in Japan in August 2019, is directed by Studio Ghibli animator Yoshiyuki Momose. He has worked already on two video games related to the franchise: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom.
According to Netflix, “two average teens go on a magical quest to save the life of their friend and her counterpart from another world. But love complicates their journey.”
He previously worked as animator on the Oscar-winner anime film Spirited Away and as assistant animation director / layout designer for the critically-acclaimed Grave of the Fireflies.
Fans can check out here the English and the Spanish dubs of the film.
[Source]: Games Radar: Ni No Kuni anime movie hits Netflix this month.