As seen in The Kyoto Shimbun, game designer Shigeru Miyamoto became one of the first four honorary citizens of his hometown Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture. He is credited for producing hit titles such as Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda.
In September, the first four honorary citizens were selected by the city council “who honors individuals who have contributed to the development of municipal administration and public welfare.”
Back in October, Miyamoto was recognized as a Person of Cultural Merit for his exceptional contributions to the culture of Japan.
He has become the first and only nominee representing the video game industry in both occasions.
[Source]: The Kyoto Shimbun: マリオ生みの親・宮本茂さん、名誉市民に 元自民党幹事長・故野中広務さんらも.
[Via]: Nintendo Enthusiast: Shigeru Miyamoto has been honored by his hometown of Nantan City.