Via its Nintendo Versus and SmashBrosJP accounts on Twitter, Nintendo announced today that a 22-minute video presentation of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Hero from Dragon Quest franchise will be shown on July 30th at 6am PT / 9am EST / 11pm JST.
Game director Masahiro Sakurai will be in charge of the presentation in which he’ll share new details about Hero and reveal the release date for this new fighter.
Join Super #SmashBrosUltimate Director Masahiro Sakurai on 7/30 at 6am PT in a video presentation featuring an in-depth look at upcoming DLC Fighter, Hero from the #DragonQuest series! Alongside new details, he’ll be revealing when the fighter will arrive. Be sure to tune in!
— Nintendo Versus (@NintendoVS) July 29, 2019
— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) July 29, 2019
Also, Nintendo mentioned that Version 4.0 of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is coming soon. This upcoming update will come with fighter adjustments.
Ver 4.0 of Super #SmashBrosUltimate will arrive soon! This update will include fighter adjustments, meaning replay data from previous versions will be incompatible. Convert your replays by going to Vault -> Replays -> Replay Data -> Convert to Video, before updating.
— Nintendo Versus (@NintendoVS) July 29, 2019
近日中に更新データVer. 4.0を配信します。更新はゲームバランスの微調整を含むため、保存されたリプレイが再生できなくなります。残したいリプレイがある場合、「コレクション」→「リプレイ」→「リプレイデータ」→「動画にする」をどうぞ。
— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) July 29, 2019
Do you expect any surprises, as usual, besides the release date for Hero?
[Sources]: @NintendoVS and @SmashBrosJP (Twitter).