At Quakecon, id Software announced that the original Doom trilogy arrives today to PC, consoles and mobiles, but did not mention an unexpected requirement: a account to log in to play Doom games on Switch without online features.
Play the games that started it all. DOOM, DOOM II, and DOOM 3 are all available now on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4. #DOOM25 #QuakeCon
— DOOM (@DOOM) July 26, 2019
Lol hell no.
Good job putting onoine DRM on a 25+ year old DOS game.
I'll stick to running my self dumped WAD's in the brilliant homebrew engine port.
You really thought this was worth doing? Holy hell.
— EdTheNerd (@EdTheNerd) July 26, 2019
When the trilogy (made up of Doom I, Doom II, and Doom III) was announced at Quakecon, no mention of a required login was made, especially for the first two original games that never required signing in.
Though many people can play many games offline, the need for a login to play any offline game modes defeats the purpose of playing a game wherever a player goes, especially if one plays Doom 3 on a Nintendo Switch.
For Doom I and Doom II, a Bethesda account is required to log in once to unlock the game. For Doom III, logging in to Bethesda is required every time to play and to access all features and content.
The three games do not have an online multiplayer feature, just one or more local multiplayer ones.
Due to this unexpected requirement, many users have already expressed their dissatisfaction online about this.
Totally agree. I was repulsed when I saw this after loading in. No need for it all other than to give away your email address.
— Harry Ronson (@RonsonHarry) July 26, 2019
Disable account required BNET please!
— Death Devil (@roman_tit) July 26, 2019
What is the meaning of this? I can't play this game on the go now? Why are you forcing DRM on this old game? You just destroyed the idea of making it available on Switch. Fix this!
— AbeVsTheWorld (@InvisibleAbe) July 26, 2019
plz for the love of god remove the need of a Bethesda account and always online to play this. this is the switch a PORTABLE console who thought it was a good idea for it to be always online
— Dr.McMoon (@Dr_McMoon) July 26, 2019
i was going to buy 2 & 3 as well but because of this i'm just going to have doom sit on my switch until either they fix or i can get a refund
— Dr.McMoon (@Dr_McMoon) July 26, 2019
Hey @doom @bethesda @BethesdaSupport the music is messed up in the Switch release, it's way too slow. Please fix this.
Also, online DRM is a big no-no and you should be ashamed of yourselves for even considering putting it in. Fix that please, too.
— DJfox909
(@DJfrog909) July 26, 2019
@BethesdaSupport @XboxSupport The Xbox 360 versions of 1/2/3 are no longer available to download on Xbox One for folks who bought them. The games aren't in the Ready to Install list anymore. Did you remove the 360 versions of these games from the backwards compatibility program?
— Shona (formerly Lukar) (@ShonaKynsia) July 26, 2019
Looks like DOOM 1+2 require you to login into your Bethesda account before you can play
After your initial login, you can play it offline as well
DOOM 3 requires you to login into your BNet account "to access certain features and/or content"
— Nibel (@Nibellion) July 26, 2019