As the anime based on the adventures of Phoenix Wright makes its debut this weekend, Capcom launches Ace Attorney’s 15th Anniversary website. To celebrate the successful franchise, Capcom Japan has opened up the new website with pictures of screenshots of previous games, along with pages of the history of the franchise and the lineup of games (for people to also buy games from).
アニメ逆転裁判第1話を見逃した方のために、第1話WEB配信中!(4/9夕方5時29分まで)。巧ディレクター監修のもと、2016年に合わせた演出がされています。 #アニメ逆転裁判
— 「逆転裁判」シリーズ公式ツイッター (@Gyakuten_capcom) April 3, 2016
On the homepage, the first link underneath the main logo opens up a small window showing a message (in Japanese). According to Gamnesia, the message says:
Sixteen years ago, we started with a single idea: “a mystery game series the likes of which had never been seen before.”
With that, we put together a team of just seven people – and a year later, in October 2001, “Ace Attorney” was born.
At the time we had the burning desire to make a game that people could enjoy for 10, or even 15 years, but now here we are fifteen years later… almost without me noticing, Ace Attorney’s grown to become a truly massive project. As its creator, I’m incredibly moved and happy that it’s come this far.
Thinking over all that’s happened, I get the feeling that the series always had the warm support of its fans, and it’s something of a happy series because of that. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
As we pass through this momentous 15-year mark, I hope you all look forward to the ever-expanding world of Ace Attorney. — Shu Takumi
[Source]: Capcom Japan: CAPCOM:逆転裁判 15周年記念 公式サイト; @Gyakuten_capcom (Twitter).
[Via]: Gamnesia: Capcom Has Launched an Official Website for Ace Attorney’s 15th Anniversary.