A report from Nikkei says Nintendo is ending production of Wii U later this year, but Nintendo says it will continue.
The report indicates the Japanese company has stopped the production of accessories for the Wii U and has planned “to deplete inventory this year.” Also, according to a translation, the Wii U will stop production of the Wii U console sometime during this year. The article does not say if Nintendo will start the sale of the NX in 2016.
However, a recent article on IT Media says Nintendo denies the Nikkei report. A spokesperson on behalf of Nintendo said “this isn’t an announcement from our company.” The spokesperson continued with this statement about the Wii U: “From the next quarter and thereafter as well, production is scheduled to continue.”
In previous presentations, Mr. Iwata and Mr. Kimishima said the company will continue making software for the Wii U.
1) The Nikkei just reports Nintendo will stop producing Wii U within 2016. It doesn't say they will necessarily start selling NX in 2016.
— Dr. Serkan Toto / Kantan Games Inc. (@serkantoto) March 22, 2016
2) Acc. to the paper, some Wii U accessories are already not being produced anymore. Nintendo plans to deplete inventory this year. //end
— Dr. Serkan Toto / Kantan Games Inc. (@serkantoto) March 22, 2016
[News]任天堂、「Wii U」生産終了の報道を否定 「来期も販売を継続」 https://t.co/9hg3jpnPsJ
— ITmedia (@itmedia) March 23, 2016
[Sources]: Dr. Serkan Toto (@Serkantoto): 1) The Nikkei just reports Nintendo will stop producing Wii U within 2016. It doesn’t say they will necessarily start selling NX in 2016; 2) Acc. to the paper, some Wii U accessories are already not being produced anymore. Nintendo plans to deplete inventory this year. //end. IT Media: [News]任天堂、「Wii U」生産終了の報道を否定 「来期も販売を継続」 & 任天堂、「Wii U」生産終了報道について「継続して行う予定」 あくまでも当社の発表ではないと強調.; Kotaku: Nintendo Denies It’s Ending Wii U Production Anytime Soon.