As the release of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie approaches, Disney and Google announced a collaboration to bring Star Wars content into Google apps and services today.
By visiting, users are told to choose their Light or Dark side for the upcoming film. Once chosen, users can make use of their Google apps featuring an immersive experience reflecting the chosen path. Among the Google services/apps and devices that being the Star Wars experience: Android Wear Watches, Google Calendar, Chrome, Chromecast, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Now, Waze, YouTube, Gmail, Google Translate, and Google Search.
On December 2nd, Google and Verizon will bring the Star Wars experience to the Google Cardboard Virtual Reality and the official Star Wars app (for iOS and Android devices). At Verizon stores, fans will be able to purchase four available designs for the Google Cardboard.
Have you seen what’s available now on Google Translate? Try Aurebesh.
[Sources]: Google: For Star Wars fans old and new; Disney and Google announce stunning interactive experiences to celebrate Star Wars: The Force Awakens.