Nine months after the announcement of the Astro Boy reboot, the first teaser was released yesterday online. This new version of the anime, originally created as a manga by Osamu Tezuka and later introduced to the world on TV in the 1950s, is the work of Tezuka Productions (Japan), Shibuya Productions (Monaco), and Caribara Animation (France). The 26 episodes of the show will feature both 2D and CG animation techniques. Chiyako Maeda will be the voice of Astro Boy.
So far, no U.S. distributor has been announced yet for this anime targeted at an audience between eight and twelve years of age.
[Source]: Anime News Network: Astro Boy Reboot Teased in 1st Video.
[Via]: Animation Scoop: TV TEASER: “Astro Boy Reboot.”