The Macross franchise is making a comeback. Seven years after the last Macross anime, Macross Frontier, debuted in Japan, an announcement today on the franchise’s website revealed the newest anime project tentatively titled Macross Delta.
For the project, the companies in charge of the anime announced they are looking for a singing diva to provide the voice of a character. People interested in participating in the audition can start applying on December 1st, with more information to be released sometime next month. The audition image in Japanese reads: “The new singing diva who can sway the galaxy of 2067 is you!”
The former audition winner, Megumi Nakajima, started her career as voice actress when she won the audition to provide the voice of Ranga Lee in Macross Frontier anime and films (from 2007-2010). Pokémon fans may also recognized her as the voice of Meloetta.
[Source]: Anime News Network: New Macross TV Anime Project Announced With Singer Auditions [] via Famitsu: 『マクロスΔ(仮)』マクロスシリーズ最新作始動&新歌姫オーディション開始!