[EN]: In the last few hours, user Fra1zer at GTAForums.com posted two pictures of what seems to be new artwork of Grand Theft Auto V at a GameStop store. Both really seem legit. Kotaku has asked Rockstar for confirmation. Both artwork
[ES]: En las últimas horas, el usuario Fra1zer en GTAForums.com publicado dos imágenes de los que parecen ser nuevas obras de arte de Grand Theft Auto V en una tienda GameStop. Ambos parecen legítimos. Kotaku ha pedido una confirmación a Rockstar.
[Sources/Fuentes]: GTAForums.com: New artwork spotted at Gamestop [https://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=543129&st=0]; Kotaku.com – Blip [https://kotaku.com/blip/].