[EN]: Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios has closed its Zipper Interactive studio. In a statement IGN & Game Informer received from SCE, the company says:
Sony Computer Entertainment can confirm the closure of Zipper Interactive, a Seattle-based internal game development studio that has been part of the global development operation of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS). The closure is a result of a normal cycle of resource re-alignment within SCE WWS. Zipper has completed all work associated with its most recent project, Unit 13 for PlayStation Vita. Zipper titles MAG, SOCOM 4 and Unit 13 will continue to be supported, including the new Daily Challenges in Unit 13.
The rumor announced by Kotaku a week ago became a reality today and as many as 80 persons may be affected.
[ES]: Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios ha cerrado su estudio Zipper Interactive. En una declaración que IGN y GameInformer Recibieron de SCE, la empresa dice:
Sony Computer Entertainment puede confirmar el cierre de Zipper Interactive, un estudio interno de desarrollo de juegos con sede en Seattle que ha sido parte de la operación global de desarrollo de Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS) . El cierre es el resultado de un ciclo normal de re-alineamiento de los recursos dentro de SCE WWS. Zipper ha completado todos los trabajos relacionados con su proyecto más reciente, Unit 13 para PlayStation Vita . Los títulos MAG, SOCOM 4, y Unit 13 (de Zipper) seguirán siendo soportados, incluyendo los nuevos Retos Diarios en Unit 13.
El rumor anunciado por Kotaku hace una semana llegó a ser una realidad hoy y hasta 80 personas pueden ser afectadas.
[Source/Fuente]: IGN.com: Confirmed: Sony Closes Zipper Interactive [https://ps3.ign.com/articles/122/1221535p1.html]; GameInformer.com: Sony Closes Zipper Interactive [https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/03/30/sony-closes-zipper-interactive.aspx].