Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s president, spoke at the Game developers Conference earlier today. If you want to find out what he had to say at GDC 2009, you should check out the following sites:
GDC 2009: Nintendo’s Iwata Keynote Liveblog! [].
Live Blog: GDC 2009 Keynote – Nintendo President Satoru Iwata [—Nintendo-President-Satoru-Iwata.html]
* 50 million Wii consoles sold worldwide.
* 100 million DS portable consoles sold worldwide.
* With experience as a game developer, he knows the struggles a company can go through. Financial problems can lead to less productivity time, poor quality and less sales earnings bring less money to work on a sequel or in a brand new game.
*Why make huge documents for your game design when teamwork based on ideas, communication is much better? Game design documents can take a while to create, but Iwata dones not follow that path. He doesn’t create one. His way: ideas, communication, prototype of a concept, and perfection of projects based on prototypes.
*Kidnapping a random Nintendo employee? Only to try out a game in progress to see what’s fun in the eyes of the kidnapped person.
*Rhythm Heaven: How the process of the game started (thanks to a Japanese singer) and how it got to be on the Nintendo DS. Developers had to learn to dance. Everyone at GDC gets a copy of Rhythm Heaven for the DS.
* Females own 47% of all DS sold. 20% of current Wii owners never had a console before.
* Lots of third-party games were sold for the Wii than for any other console.
*Number of PS3 consoles sold in 2008 = Number of Wii Balance Boards sold in 2008? Ouch, Sony.
*”Rock n Roll Climber”: First WiiWare game to use Wii Balance Board. Play with a guitar at the top of a cliff ???????
*”Moving Memo”
* A menu for Wiiware developers. “Complete storage solution for the Wii”? The Will will support high-capacity SD memory cards. With the Wii system Menu 4, it will be possible. Up to 240 games WiiWare, Virtual Console and Wii Channel content can be saved on a memory card, including the sequel to Final Fantasy Chronicles: My Life as a King. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years?
* “WarioWare Snapped” for the DSi. It records your face even after the game is done, so be careful if you do something stupid.
* True arcade games on the Virtual Console: “Tower of Truaga.”
* Zelda for the DS: “The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.”
* Did you download the latest Wii firmware?