If you live in Orlando and have free time this Tuesday afternoon, you can definitively attend the Gillette – EA Sports Champions of Gaming. The finals will be at the UCF Arena from 3pm to 7pm. Sports celebrities such as Tiger Woods and Derek Jeter, among others, will be there. There aren’t that many chances to see the best players from different sports in one place. If you are not from Florida and have come to see the Super Bowl in Tampa, you can stop by Orlando to attend this event. You may get to appear on a Spike TV show.
Si viven en Orlando y tienen tiempo libre este martes en la tarde, definitivamente pueden acudir al Gillette – EA Sports Champions of Gaming. Las finales serán en la UCF Arena de 3pm a 7pm. Celebridades de los deportes tales como Tiger Woods y Derek Jeter, entre otros, estarán presentes. No hay varias oportunidades para ver a los mejores jugadores de varios deportes en un solo lugar. Si ustedes no son de la Florida y han venido para ver el Super Bowl en Tampa, pueden pasar por Orlando para acudir a este evento. Tal vez aparezcan en un show de Spike TV.
Sources/Fuentes: Gillette – EA Sports Champions of Gaming [https://www.gillette.com/en-US/#/entertainment/easports/en-US/index.shtml/] & Major Nelson: In Central Florida? Come see Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter and more [https://majornelson.com/archive/2009/01/29/in-central-florida-come-see-tiger-woods-derek-jeter-and-more.aspx].