If you’ve been playing Bionic Commando: Rearmed, you know what the main character does with his Bionic Arm. But, if you somehow get to have a bionic arm of your own, what would you do with it? Well, this blog at Games Radar may give you some ideas.
Source: Games Radar – 10 reasons why having a real bionic arm would be the best thing ever [https://www.gamesradar.com/f/10-reasons-why-having-a-real-bionic-arm-would-be-the-best-thing-ever/a-20080917165349250046].
Si han estado jugando Bionic Commando: Rearmed, saben lo que el personaje principal hace con su brazo biónico. Pero, si de alguna manera llegan a tener su propio brazo biónico, ¿qué harían con eso? Bueno, esta bitácora en Games Radar podrían darles algunas ideas.
Fuente: Games Radar – 10 reasons why having a real bionic arm would be the best thing ever [https://www.gamesradar.com/f/10-reasons-why-having-a-real-bionic-arm-would-be-the-best-thing-ever/a-20080917165349250046].